Friday, August 8, 2008



Polybutene is a non-drying, sticky polymer which is registered for use as a bird and squirrel repellent. When birds land on treated objects or surfaces, they dislike the unpleasant sticky sensation and usually do not return. Polybutene's sticky quality therefore is the source of the repellent action of pesticide products containing this active ingredient.
Polybutene products may be used outdoors or indoors, on buildings or adjacent structures (for example, on girders, beams, ledges, windowsills, gutters, trees, shrubs, and vines) where birds land or roost. Formulations include a gel which is applied as a bead strip to surfaces with a ready-to-use tube or caulking gun, and a liquid concentrate which is applied with a paint brush or sprayed on using a hand or pressure sprayer.
Use practice limitations include prohibitions against applying the product to surfaces where small protected bird species may become entrapped, or where people walk or stand; and against applying the product in wet, damp, or freezing conditions.
Polybutene generally is of relatively low acute toxicity. It has been placed in Toxicity Categories III and IV respectively for acute dermal and oral effects (these are the lowest of four categories, indicating the lowest degree of acute toxicity). Polybutene is not irritating to the skin (Toxicity Category IV), but is irritating to the eyes and has been placed in Toxicity Category II for eye irritation effects.
Polybutene is not mutagenic in studies available at this time. Additional information is required on an Ames study to upgrade it to an acceptable level.
Dietary Exposure
Dietary exposure to polybutene is not expected since no food-related uses are registered.
Occupational and Residential Exposure
The potential for exposure to workers (mixers, loaders and applicators) is low when using polybutene products in accordance with label instructions. The potential for post-application exposure is minimal, based on polybutene's use patterns.
Human Risk Assessment
Polybutene generally is of low acute toxicity but causes eye irritation (Toxicity Category II). No other toxicological endpoints are of concern for workers or homeowners exposed to polybutene.
No food-related uses are registered so dietary exposure is not of concern. Worker exposure is low when products are used in accordance with approved labeling. Risk to workers and homeowners from exposure to polybutene is expected to be negligible.
For more polybutene related information Click Here >>